Behind the courtain...

Diana is an experienced Art Director and Graphic Designer formally trained in the United Kingdom and currently based in Puerto Rico. She has a background in fine art and an eye for photography, which support her current design practice.

Her main expertise is brand identity design, which has earned esteem for the creation of visually striking, typography-driven identities through her professional practice in the Advertising Industry as well as freelance work. Beyond the aesthetic aspect of an brand identity, she is passionate about providing effective marketing material solutions for brands looking to grow their reach and connect on a deeper level with the audience in today’s highly competitive marketplace. A solid concept, strategy and an intention to appeal to target audience’s emotions is of upmost importance in her creative process.

With industry experience across a wide range of clients, she has worked on the creation of visual brand identities, re-brandings, digital campaigns, editorial design, packaging design, signage, print, billboards, websites, art direction for product photography, and social media content. Her sharp eye for detail and strong drive to improve her skills through continuous self-education gives her the confidence to create high-quality work and stay relevant in such a fast-paced industry. She is able to adapt to a client or project’s specific needs, working equally efficiently as part of a team collaboration or independently. She works full time as an Art Direcor in a local advertising agency and also offers niche freelance design services worlwide. Please visit de ‘Services’ page for more information on her offers and information on the booking process.

She is always willing to consider a new, interesting opportunity. Feel free to approach her for serious business enquieries!
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Download CV here.